build roads

美 [bɪld roʊdz]英 [bɪld rəʊdz]
  • 修路
build roadsbuild roads
  1. Chinese came to my country to build roads .


  2. Tt says If you want to rich , first build roads .


  3. Singapore is studying how to make use of waste to build roads .


  4. Another aspect was to build roads to promote the production and living conditions .


  5. build roads to everything , and give people a place to park when they get there .


  6. In exchange the Chinese would build roads , railways , schools and clinics .


  7. Another priority identified by the communities has been the provisions to build roads .


  8. In Africa , Chinese groups have often brought workers with them to build roads or ports .


  9. The government could build roads funded by tolls on drivers , he suggests .


  10. Tyson has had to build roads and bridges and install electrical lines .


  11. They build roads , houses , bridges , ships , pipelines , and canals .


  12. Getting permission to build roads , especially in large swaths of state forests along the frontier , is delaying construction .


  13. For example ," When they build roads , communities should consider the location of residential buildings and schools ," Hoffmann said .


  14. Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways .


  15. The traditional method resolving the traffic problems is to build roads , but the space of constructing roads has become less and less for anyone country .


  16. In practice , the result is to take big contracts from US companies that have long used foreign components to build roads , lay pipes or construct bridges .


  17. Chinese peacekeepers also build roads and bridges , repair vehicles and transport materials for , as well as deliver medical assistance and impart agricultural technology to local people .


  18. Chinese grants and loans are helping to build roads , schools and other infrastructure in the eight countries with which it enjoys diplomatic relations in the region .


  19. He said the first grant under these procedures would be one this month for US $ 180 million to build roads and provide water in Kinshasa , creating jobs in the process .


  20. It reportedly sent several thousand soldiers to parts of Pakistani-controlled Kashmir this year , to build roads for its " all-weather " ally .


  21. There are now up to 1m foreign workers in Africa , as some investors bring with them whole armies of workers to staff plants , build roads and work farms .


  22. It estimates India needs to invest $ 500 billion , in the next five years , to build roads , seaports , airports , high-speed expressways and power plants .


  23. Under the deal , a consortium of state-owned Chinese companies agreed to build roads , railways , hospitals and universities in return for the right to develop a copper and cobalt mine .


  24. Whereas China is boosting infrastructure spending to prop up demand , India 's plans to build roads and power plants with the help of private money may be delayed by the credit squeeze .


  25. In fact , the model was really , give everybody a car , build roads to everything , and give people a place to park when they get there . It was not a very functional model .


  26. Collect some rocks and point out that some rocks are minerals , others may be used for decorations , like marbles used in building houses , and still other rocks are used to build roads .


  27. But its aid is spread more widely . It has cancelled several billion dollars of African debt , which has helped to build roads , railways , stadiums and houses in many countries .


  28. However , filling the rivers to build roads makes the water net in the center area in Shanghai disappeared , which causes the city view structure want for artificial of Shanghai and the diapason of the nature .


  29. Filipinos have been seeking work abroad in steadily rising numbers since the early 1970s , when thousands of labourers were hired to build roads and other civil works in newly rich Middle Eastern states .


  30. If the Chinese fulfil all they have promised Africa in the last year – a big if – they will be doing more to build roads , railways and power plants than western aid or private investors .
